Sowing Post Capitalist Seeds
The Sowing Post Capitalist Seeds Course with Anuradha Kowtha + Moriah Helms That Changed the Trajectory of My Art Life:
As you know, I spend a lot of time thinking about the world, dreaming something beyond what currently is and ways we can create something new that disrupt dominant systems and cultures of exploitation & harm.
If there’s one thing I know, it’s that we only get free together. The work of liberation is work we must do alongside others. When we get to learn together, reflect together, and grow together, we collectively move closer to a world that is rooted in relationship, care, and reciprocity.
Anuradha Kowtha and Moriah Helms are teaching a 10-week course that explores capitalism and colonialism from socio-economic, historical, and embodied lenses with the aim to create new ways of living, working, relating -- creating something new beyond capitalism. Their course guides you through a season of sowing and tending seeds of change in yourselves and in community. It is an interactive course that depends on all the participants showing up and sharing their process in some way.
This course is for all people. Entrepreneurs, creatives, parents, community planners, visionaries, educators, healers, and connectors who are ready to engage in new post capitalist ways can all benefit from this course.
It's a 10 week class, starting April 23, 2024, Tuesdays & Fridays at 1 pm Eastern (New York) via Zoom.
This course is for you if you want to:
- discover ways strengthen existing communities and build new community for change
- learn ways to make current movement work accessible, ethical, and anti-capitalist
- easy to understand ways to grasp capitalism and share it with others
- design your anti-capitalist practices based on your needs and aims so you can be part of the change now and in the future.
Three really important things I learned by engaging with Anuradha + Moriah in this work:
I am not alone in moving from a capitalist world to post-capitalist world. The work cannot be done as individuals alone. We do this work together. Capitalism strives to keep us apart.
The work of sowing post capitalist seeds doesn’t happen overnight. Season after season I must tend to our gardens: plant new seeds, nourish and protect the plants and soil that already exist, make room for new seeds to sprout by composting what is ready to go, and give plenty of love, water, sunshine and fresh air to our gardens. Sing songs to our gardens. Again this work is done together.
The history of capitalism is deep and intricate and the work of sowing post capitalist seeds is not linear or limited to one “right” way of doing things. In this process it’s crucial that all voices are heard, especially those that are and have been marginalized, and that creative thinking and play are a part of the process.
What people are saying about the course:
'Sowing Post Capitalist Seeds utterly changed my relationship with capitalism and money. The seeds are still growing- but it shifted something deep inside me.'
- Meg Lightheart
This course has given me the foundational tools to move forward with anti-fascist, anti-capitalist and anti-racist work with a more acutely critical, structural and political lens. It was exactly the primer I needed. All of the information was laid out right in front of me. Everything was right there — the articles, the book recommendations, the live action dialogue and non-judgmental learning container.
-Audrey Gidman
Note: the starting date for Sowing Post Capitalist Seeds Course has changed to April 23rd.